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Office 365 Commercial customers can get the new Outlook for Mac by accessing their Office 365 Portal, (Gear icon > Office 365 Settings > Software > Outlook for Mac icon) or visiting the Software page. Office 365 consumer subscribers can get the new Outlook for Mac by going to their My Account page. 1 5 Cheaper Alternatives to Word for Mac. It also means that Pages doesn’t work on PCs, so the default.pages file format works only when you’re sharing with another Apple user. The new feature in Word for Mac Microsoft Word is getting a new feature on both Window and macOS that would be powered by Microsoft’s advanced AI engine to handle placeholders within documents.
As predicted, Microsoft has just released for OS X—it's currently a, and it's available for any Mac running OS X 10.9. The full Windows version of OneNote 2013 has also been released as a, and it includes all the features of the standard OneNote client that comes with Office 2013 for Windows. The new OneNote for Mac app is interesting both because the app has never been available in OS X before and because it has been a few years since the other Office for Mac applications—Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook—have been updated.
The application's user interface is more in line with the 'ribbon' UI used in the Windows versions of Office, and it may give us an idea of where Microsoft is headed with the next version of Office for Mac (the rumor mill says we'll see an update at some point this year). When you download OneNote for Mac, you'll first be prompted to sign in with your Microsoft account. Unlike the free Windows version of OneNote, you've got to use a standard Microsoft account with OneNote for Mac—you can't use it as a local, standalone application, and you can't use it with a corporate Microsoft account either.
Once you've signed in, you'll be presented with an OS X-ified version of the Windows OneNote client. Microsoft has done a good job balancing its own design language (namely, the tabs of the ribbon UI) and OS X design conventions (a search box in the upper-right, full Retina display support, and full-screen mode support). Andrew Cunningham After years of treating the Office for Mac applications as second-class citizens with entirely separate designs from their Windows counterparts, Microsoft has been making an effort to unify the applications in recent years.
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The Office for Mac 2011 apps feature far better compatibility with documents created by the Windows versions, and they jettisoned the execrable Entourage e-mail client for an imperfect-but-still-better version of Outlook. If OneNote for Mac is any indication, the next Office for Mac applications will be much better translations of the Windows versions. Even the application's icon is a better cross between OS X and Windows, marrying the Windows application icon with the gentle color gradient used in many OS X icons. OneNote 2013.
While the OneNote for Mac application is pretty good, the Windows version remains more feature-rich. The free OneNote 2013 application for Windows has all the same features of the version that comes bundled with Office, including several that the Mac version lacks. Personally, I'm more excited about the API work they're doing. The fact that I can now send to OneNote from Feedly and IFTT clears the last hurdles I need to stop using Evernote (and possibly Pocket, which I've used only as a sort of place to store Feedly articles. If I can just use OneNote as a web-wide clipper and notebook app, I'm a happy guy. And it's nice I'll be able to use it on my MBA.
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I used the web versions for a bit, and they worked, but full desktop support is nice. Shame it's not 1:1 equal.but I suppose for a free product that's not entirely unexpected. 5429 posts registered Feb 5, 2009 • Smack-Fu Master, in training.
To everyone complaining about missing features in this thread: please submit feature requests. Many OS X apps include 'send feedback' or 'contact us' menu items somewhere. I just did another search under the help menu, and the word 'feedback' and 'feature' do not turn up any items.
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Searching for 'contact' only turned up a menu item for applying a contact info tag to a note. I did find a 'feedback' icon under the 'preferences', but all that's there are checkboxes for participating in the customer experience improvement program and enabling Microsoft error reporting (ie.
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Toggles for gathering data/metrics and letting Microsoft use them automatically), and a link to their privacy policy. Excellent question. I was trying to figure this out in advance and include it with my post, but in the end I suggested the App Store review system as I couldn't find a better option.
However, I now see that the Twitter handle @msonenote is *very* active and is accepting direct messages for feedback/improvements/suggestions. It seems more and more that Twitter is becoming the front-end for dealing with customers, Microsoft included. And yes, it's easy to scream 'WE WANT FEATURE PARITY!' While ignoring budgets, implementation timelines, etc. Not everyone can ship a flawless 1.0 product for Mac.