Skype For Business We Couldn't Send This Message Mac

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The first step to resolve issues that affect Skype for Business Online is to scope the issue appropriately. The following table will help determine what the most likely cause of the issue is, depending on the type and number of contacts that are affected. We're using an on-premises Skype for Business environment, when Windows or Mac clients try to send a message to a Skype for Business Mac client, the sender usually receives 'We couldn't send this message' while the message is delivered. Office 365 is a subscription-based online office and software plus services suite which offers access to various services and software built around the Microsoft Office platform.

Microsoft's new business communication product is finally coming to the Mac after the company launched it for PC users last year. The company the first technical preview of Skype for Business for Mac on Tuesday morning, giving users of Apple computers an easy way to connect to meetings they have scheduled through Microsoft's professional audio and videoconferencing software. When users sign into the app, they'll see their Skype for Business meetings for the current day and the following one, and be able to easily join them to discuss whatever business things they want to with the other people invited. Skype for Business is the successor to the company's venerable Lync product, which is still available for Mac during this transition. The final release of the Mac version of Skype for Business is slated for the third quarter.

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Between now and then, Microsoft has two additional beta phases planned for the app. The second beta phase will include instant messaging, presence indicators and access to a user's contacts. In the third beta phase, Microsoft will bring along support for telephony and other advanced features supported by other versions of the product. That's important for businesses that have paid for advanced Skype for Business features like the ability to place phone calls from the application over a traditional phone line. This beta push is part of Microsoft's ongoing strategy to extend the reach of its products to a wide variety of platforms, including the Mac.

I'm having an issue with a Skype for Business bot in one of my Office 365 tenants. I have multiple tenants and in the first one I was able to add a Skype for Business bot framework bot with no issues. It took awhile for the bot to show up in the directory but it worked. In my second tenant, when I add the bot and attempt to send messages to it (even after 12ish hours of waiting), Skype for Business shows an error under each message I try to send to it - 'The action couldn’t be completed. Please try again later.' Any ideas what might be going on?

One difference between the tenants is that the tenant that isn't working ha a custom domain name, and is using Azure AD Synchronization. Based on some tips I saw I made the address of my bot rather than using my custom domain name. That didn't seem to make a difference. Anyone else encountered this/have any ideas? I also tried leaving off the [BotAuthentication] tag on my MessagesController and that did not make a difference as well. EDIT: Could this have something to do with my custom domain being federated?

That's why I went with for the username of the bot. I was able to resolve this.

Skype For Business We Couldn

It seems like it has something to do with when you add a bot to a federated domain utilizing the custom domain name. This errors out when you use the New-CsOnlineApplicationEndpoint -Uri However, it still creates a bad endpoint.

The cmdlet does not error out if you use a uri like However, after I had already added the bad endpoint, it seemed like no endpoints would work after that. To resolve, I removed all endpoints, including the first bad one with the uri Waited 8 hours, added a single endpoint using the Office 365 domain, waited probably about 12 hours, and it started working.